United States Concealed Carry Associations (USCCA)

Defensive Shooting Fundamentals - Level 2

“Training For Real-Life Scenarios”


Defensive Shooting Fundamentals: Level Two is a continuation of skill building drills and techniques to teach serious defensive shooters.

The skills will enable students to change their lives. Students will gain knowledge that can make the difference and increase their odds of prevailing if ever faced with a critical incident.

The training will teach defensive mindset and discuss physical training in line with the way the human mind and body react to stress, danger, and violence.

Students will move from being simply a good shot on the range, and more importantly, lifesaving shot in the real world.


  1. Have a CCW permit or live in a state with constitutional carry.

  2. USCCA Defensive Shooting Fundamentals - Level 1

Required- Dependable pistol or revolver, Holster, two (2) Spare Magazines, Ear protection, Eye protection and minimum of 400 rounds of ammunition. 

This class is coming soon! To register please visit the Calendar of events.